Catherine Milroy
Private Tel : +44 7817 805 110

About Ms Milroy
Ms Catherine Milroy BM BCh MA FRCS (Plas) is a consultant plastic surgeon specialising in general plastic surgery and paediatric plastic surgery. She believes in a sensitive and empathic approach to discussing options in a no pressure environment.
Ms Milroy was educated at Oxford University and trained at world-class centres of excellence in London, Harvard, Taiwan and New York. She currently works across London at the New Victoria Hospital, the Parkside Hospital, Spire St Anthony's Hospital and St George’s Hospital NHS Trust.
Ms Milroy has particular interests in breast and chest surgery as well as ear and eyelid reconstruction. She regularly works with the lymphedema team at St Georges and Parkside hospital in patients with limb and genital problems.
Ms Milroy is one of London’s most respected female plastic surgeons, and can provide an all female team if required.